Tips to Keep Your Senior Loved Ones Safe

June is National Safety Month!

At one point or another we are going to be spending time with a Senior loved one. Although their minds may still be young, their bodies are aging and are more fragile than one might perceive. The smallest measures can prevent the largest accidents. Below is a compilation of safety measures that can be taken in order to keep our seniors safe:

Summer Safety

  1. Stay hydrated. Your target intake should be between 6-9 cups of water.
  2. When you can, stay out of the sun. Opt to go out during the early mornings or when the sun starts to set.
  3. If you do need to be outside while the sun is out always apply sunscreen prior to sun exposure. The sunscreen should have an SPF of at least 30.
  4. Check the side effects of your medications, some may make you more sensitive to the sun.

At-Home Safety

  1. First and foremost, consider purchasing a medical alert device or personal emergency response system. These devices signal the need for emergency medical attention at the push of a button.
  2. User rubber mats in your shower or bathtub to prevent slipping.
  3. Install grab bars in your bathroom for safety.
  4. Use a shower seat if you have trouble standing while showering.
  5. Check the height of their bed, if their feet can’t touch the floor while sitting on the bed, then they are too high.
  6. Consider installing a chair lift if you have trouble going up and down stairs.
  7. Use cord covers for all cords and cables, to prevent falls.
  8. Cover furniture corners to prevent injuries from accidental bumps.
  9. Make sure all rugs have anti-slip pads.
  10. Pour salt or sand on driveways and walkways to melt snow and ice.
  11. Make sure your loved one always gets up slowly after lying down or sitting.

Drug/Medication Safety

  1. Never borrow prescription drugs, only use what is prescribed to them.
  2. Do not mix alcohol and drugs/medications unless cleared with their doctor.
  3. Ensure that all medications are clearly labeled.
  4. Do not use expired/old medicines.

Now let’s celebrate National Safety Month and keep our seniors safe!



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